The Clubs are plants with leaves that cover land
The Spades are used by folks to shovel sand
The Diamonds are jewels we want to grasp in hand
The Hearts are feelings our souls must understand

Each card represents two unique, but related story elements. Each card has a short poem written in iambic tetrameter that help remember the two story elements associated with that card.


Ace of Clubs: Maze & Unknown

The Ace of Clubs is on it’s own

A winding Maze with end Unknown

Two of Clubs: Desert & Desolate

The Two of Clubs needs water soon
So Desolate on Desert dune

Three of Clubs: Sea & Vast

The Three of Clubs must set the sail

Upon Vast Sea does blow the gale

Four of Clubs: Forest & Dark

The Four of Clubs not far it sees
 So Dark among the Forest trees

Five of Clubs: Party & Joyous

The Five of Clubs is in a trance
At Joyous Party full of dance

Six of Clubs: Arctic & Cold

The Six of Clubs hazards the ice
The coats for Arctic Cold suffice

Seven of Clubs: Sky & Blowing

The Seven of Clubs it soars so high
The Blowing wind up in the Sky

Eight of Clubs: Mountain & Awe

The Eight of Clubs atop so saw
On Mountain peak a view of Awe

Nine of Clubs: Road & Journey

The Nine of Clubs ventured and strode
So merrily down Journey’s Road

Ten of Clubs: Home & Comfort

The Ten of Clubs it does not roam
Comfortable and safe at Home

Jack of Clubs: Prison & Confined

The Jack of Clubs more than just fined
A Prison bleak in which Confined

Queen of Clubs: City & Bustle

The Queen of Clubs works a hustle
In Cityscape much a Bustle

King of Clubs: Castle & Secure

The King of Clubs is safe for sure
A Castle strong and most Secure


Ace of Spades: Athlete & Rabbit

The Ace of Spades wins out the race

Rabbit’s haste with Athlete’s grace

Two of Spades: Monk & Mouse

The Two of Spades inside God’s house

A pensive Monk like humble Mouse

Three of Spades: Hunter & Hawk

The Three of Spades aims at the prey

Hawk-eyed Hunters in wait lay

Four of Spades: Crafter & Beaver

The Four of Spades do fabricate

Beaver’s dam do Crafters make

Five of Spades: Messenger & Bird

The Five of Spades sends forth the word

Messenger like wing-ed Bird

Six of Spades: Musician & Cricket

The Six of Spades sings out the tune

Musicians play and Crickets croon

Seven of Spades: Miner & Mole

The Seven of Spades deep tunnels through

The many Moles on Miner’s crew

Eight of Spades: Chef & Bear

The Eight of Spades cooks mealtime fare

Able Chef like hungered Bear

Nine of Spades: Merchant & Cat

The Nine of Spades closes the deal

Sly Cat with Merchant's market zeal

Ten of Spades: Teacher & Owl

The Ten of Spades will so advise

A patient Teacher like Owl wise

Jack of Spades: Squire & Dog

The Jack of Spades you may require

Dogged aide of ready Squire

Queen of Spades: Warrior & Badger

The Queen of Spades strike a flurry

Warrior with Badger’s fury

King of Spades: Royal & Lion

The King of Spades on throne reside

With Royal blood like Lion’s pride

The Black Joker: Thief & Rat

The Joker Black you must trust not

A Thieving Rat who steals the lot

The Red Joker: Jester & Monkey

The Joker Red so silly be

A Jesting Monkey in the tree


Ace of Diamonds: Sword & Power

The Ace of Diamonds does not stop

With edged Sword does Power chop

Two of Diamonds: Shield & Protect

The Two of Diamonds does not yield

Protecting all with iron Shield

Three of Diamonds: Lantern & Fire

The Three of Diamonds bring the light

By sparking Fire in Lantern bright

Four of Diamonds: Book & Knowledge

The Four of Diamonds seeks to learn

From Books such Knowledge does it earn

Five of Diamonds: Wrench & Repair

The Five of Diamonds at workbench

To Fix it all with greasy Wrench

Six of Diamonds: Compass & Path

The Six of Diamonds does not stray

Sure Compass guides along the Way

Seven of Diamonds: Wand & Magic

The Seven of Diamonds does no harm

With Magic Wand it cast a charm

Eight of Diamonds: Horn & Celebration

The Eight of Diamonds makes it known

The Horn of Celebration blown

Nine of Diamonds: Robe & Craft

The Nine of Diamonds twirled and fanned

A Robe of silk it Made by hand

Ten of Diamonds: Hourglass & Time

The Ten of Diamonds in repose

Their Sand Clock turns as Time by goes

Jack of Diamonds: Mask & Disguise

The Jack of Diamonds would surprise

With Mask he dons his grim Disguise

Queen of Diamonds: Jewels & Wealth

The Queen of Diamonds sparkling

A Wealth of Jewels in her ring

King of Diamonds: Crown & Royalty

The King of Diamonds dresses best

A Royal Crown on brow does rest


Ace of Hearts: Lost & Find

The Ace of Hearts they won’t exhaust

To Find again what they have Lost

Two of Hearts: Loved & Care

The Two of Hearts all manner of

Was Caring in the name of Love

Three of Hearts: Learned & Announce

The Three of Hearts has knowledge earned

They Make It Known all that they Learned

Four of Hearts: Raced & Outrun

The Four of Hearts was not outpaced

To Outrun those they often Raced

Five of Hearts: Explored & Discover

The Five of Hearts sought to record

Discovering as they Explored

Six of Hearts: Built & Collect

The Six of Hearts a new object

Was Built with parts they did Collect

Seven of Hearts: Helped & Give

The Seven of Hearts in kind repaid

To those who Helped always Give aid

Eight of Hearts: Climbed & Descend

The Eight of Hearts addressed the stair

What once was Climbed Descend with care

Nine of Hearts: Imprisoned & Escape

The Nine of Hearts it does not doubt

Imprisoned tho it will Get Out

Ten of Hearts: Found & Return

The Ten of Hearts is duty bound

To Return again what they have Found

Jack of Hearts: Challenged & Compete

The Jack of Hearts you won’t defeat

If Challenged he will sure Compete

Queen of Hearts: Offered & Thank

The Queen of Hearts she does revere

The folks who Offered Thanks sincere

King of Hearts: Chosen & Do Good

The King of Hearts do as they should

Was Chosen so they could Do Good

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